About Server

FURIAMUS6EP8 Server Statistics

FuriaMuS6ep8 Server Statistics
Total Accounts 512
Total Characters 631
Total Guilds 32
Total Gms 5
Total Online 14
Active In 24 Hours 9

FuriaMuS6ep8 Server Market Statistics
Total Items 38
Active Items 0
Expired Items 38
Total Sold 15
Total Sales ForWCoinC 597338
Total Sales ForWPoints 0
Total Sales ForGoblinPoints 0

CryWolf Info
Status Of The Fortress Not Protected

Castle Siege Info
Owner Guild Admins
State Mark Registration (2024-09-19 00:00 - 2024-09-22 00:00)
Money 17.7 KKKZen
tax_chaos 3%
Tax Store 3%
Tax Hunt Zone 3Zen

# Guild Master Reg Marks
No Registered Guilds

Account Panel


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Currently this is only one server.