
Package Bronze

50000 WCoinC

(10.00 $)


Package Silver

250.000 WCoinC

(25.00 $)


Package Gold

600.000 WCoinC

 (50.00 $)


Package Platinium

1.500.000 WCoinC

(100.00 $)


* PM Discord

@~ adminfurry

@~ covid19


1. All payments (bank transfer, paymentwall, paypal, payu, hotpay, paysafecard, revolut, bitcoin, ethereum, SMS) to the server are conscious and voluntary. Please think carefully before making a payment as there will be no refunds. If you send donations or money via our websites, you agree that you will not argue, request a partial or full refund.

The Gold Credits you purchase is a digital product, therefore the user is not entitled to a refund of the amount paid.

The buyer is entitled to a 14-day money back, provided that the purchased digital, virtual goods will not be used and used, and the purchased gold credits are still intact on the user's account.

If not, the user knowingly starts using the product he has received.

If you are entitled to a refund and the Gold Credits has not been used, please contact 

Using any amount of Gold Credits has a real impact on your own and other players' gameplay. In this case, refunds cannot be made due to the fact that there is no physical possibility of restoring the game on the server from before gold credits were used.

Gold Credits is a currency with no real value.

Gold Credits can only be used on the website of the server where the purchase is made.

The server does not sell game elements directly, but only allows you to exchange Gold Credits for individual resources available on the selected page of the server.

Payment access is available only after registering an account and accepting the server regulations and privacy policy.


Posted 07 / 08 / 2024

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